What's a workshop production?

Leave a Message (après le bip) will be presented on Thursday and Friday night. Jessica who is directing the show gets in Sunday night. I'm sure you can all do the math, but let me confirm that we've got 4 days to put this show on its feet for you guys. 

The purpose of this workshop production is for us creators to take the script off the page, to hear those words on stage and see the characters come to life. It's also an amazing opportunity to throw the fruit of numerous months of hard work to you, the audience and see how it lands. Does it bounce back? What does it trigger? Does it feel nice?

No set, no costumes and no time to rehearse the play enough to get comfortable. What we're inviting you to, is a raw theatre experience of witnessing a work in progress, before it's politely polished result. 

Thank you Nakai Theatre for giving us the opportunity to develop this new Yukon piece of theatre work.

We hope many of you join us in this exciting and crucial step of our play development! 

Leave us a message!

Open Pit is preparing for our upcoming workshop of Leave a Message (après le bip) and we need Yukon voices for the messages that will be pre-recorded and then used in the production. 

Please send jessica@openp.it an email if you are willing to help us out. 

This is how it will work:

Jessica will email you a blurb (1-2 sentences) and then you will phone her house, at any time, and leave the message on her machine. We are encouraging everyone to do 3-4 tries so that we have a few options.

We need 12 different people and some of the messages are in French. Please specify in your email if you would like a French message. 

Please let us know by Friday, January 10th if you are willing to contribute! It will take 10-15minutes of your time.


The team is complete!

Whitehorse actor Roy Neilson will be playing the role of Zack in the Pivot workshop of Leave a Message (après le bip). 

You may have seen Roy's talent in leading roles in Whitehorse productions such as David Ive's Venus in Fur and The Cripple of Inishmaan by Martin McDonagh. 

We are excited to have him part of our team for this workshop!


Seeking MALE ACTOR with strong movement ability.

Open Pit is workshopping a new one-act play called Leave a Message (Après le Bip), written by Geneviève Doyon & Aislinn Cornett, as part of Nakai Theatre's Pivot Theatre Festival.  

We are seeking one male actor/mover for the role of Zack.   The play is a two-hander, with Claire as the lead. The role of Claire has been cast and will be played by Geneviève Doyon.   

Character Descriptions: 

     ZACK – 23, Small town boy, poetic yet awkward.

    CLAIRE – 25, Francophone, grew up in big cities, confident and brutally honest.

The festival is from January 19th-26th, 2013 in Whitehorse, Yukon.  Accommodation, a  wage, and a one way flight will be provided.  

Within the next year, Open Pit intends to produce the play fully in Whitehorse, and then tour.  The actor playing Zack may have the opportunity for further employment beyond this workshop, but that is not a guarantee. 

To apply:

Please email the director, Jessica Hickman, at jessica@openp.it and include a cover letter indicating your interest/experience, a resume, and a photo.    

Thank you! 

Open it up

After writing throughout the Yukon's hottest summer in years, it was time for us to let people in the writing bubble we had created for ourselves over the past few months.

On August 20th, we held a private reading of Leave a message (après le bip) followed by a discussion. Knowing that our work on this play isn't done, we felt the need to take those words off the page and share them with others. It was a great way to get a sense of where our play stands and find direction for the work that still awaits us in the fall.

Thanks to those of you who took part in our creative process last night, you inspire us! A special thanks to our readers : Erin Corbett as Claire, Winluck Wong as Zack and Shauna Jones who read the stage directions. 


Writers re-united.

Aislinn recentely came back to the Yukon after a year of studying Art Therapy in Nelson. Her and Geneviève picked up a play they hadn't touched in over a year. There was a lot to write, talk, think and smile about. I feel a lot more cozy writing sessions throughout this Yukon summer. Who needs rest when you've got 24 hours of daylight?


Time to write

Almost exactly a year after Leave a message (apres le bip) was performed at the Homegrown Theatre Festival, the co-writers Aislinn Cornett and Genevieve Doyon are ready to dive back into the script. Next week, Aislinn and Genevieve will be writing away with the Vancouver dramaturg DD Kugler as part of Nakai's Playlab.

It'll be great to pick up the script, dust it off, type away and discover where this story takes us!


A New Open Pit!

Open Pit is sad to announce that Sam Bergmann-Good, one of the co-founders of Open Pit has decided to step down as Co-Artistic Producer.  His career has led him outside of the Yukon, and although we will miss his creative input we wish him all the best in the future. 

On another note, we would like to announce:

The fabulously talented Geneviève Doyon is our new Co-Artistic Producer! 

In June 2011, Geneviève participated inThe Devised Yukon Project,  and has been working with Open Pit ever since.  When Sam announced that he was going to be stepping down, it was clear that Geneviève would be the perfect candidate for the position.  We welcome her with open arms!

Geneviève will be responsible for Open Pit's community outreach, local communication, marketing, and production managment, while Jessica Hickman continues to support Open Pit as the main administrator, finance co-ordinator, and grantwriter.  Both Geneviève and Jessica, with support from the board-of-directors, will be in charge of the artistic direction of the company. 

​This season, Open Pit plans to continue the development of Leave a Message (apres le bip) , bring a guest instructor to the Yukon to offer a vocal training workshop, and host one kick ass fundraiser!  

We can't wait to get this year started! ​

October 2012: Victoria Play Development Workshop

From October 8th to October 14th Open Pit held a one week workshop of Nowhere Near in Victoria, BC.  Eleven physical theatre artists were hired and the company spent seven days working with the ensemble to both create new material and re-visit material from the first production in 2010.  The goal of the workshop was to focus on the physical aspects of the show and to then document the material for future grants. 

The workshop was held at Suddenly Dance Theatre.  On the last day, Open Pit rented the Intrepid Theatre and hired a local film company, Lighthead Productions, to film the generated material. Please see the video below.  Here is a list of partcipants:
  • Whitehorse, YT:  Sam Bergmann-Good, Genevieve Doyon
  • Vancouver, BC: Sarah Moore
  • Toronto, ON:  Shae Wojtus
  • Victoria, BC: Michael Shewchuk, Mily Mumford, Emma Zabloski, Connor Parnall, Ryan Levis, Camille Janicki, Alexa MacDougall, Andrew Barrett, Brandy Baybutt, Diana Nielsen, Jessica Hickman

July 2011: Physical Theatre Workshops with Ker Wells

Nakai Theatre, with assistance from Open Pit, organised two workshops taught by guest instructor Ker Wells. Here is information about the first workshop, An Introduction to Physical Theatre:

    Date: July 12th - July 14th
    Location: Yukon Arts Centre Studio Theatre
    Total in-studio hours:  9
    Number of participants: 11
    Age range of participants:  20 - 50
The second workshop was titled The Nature of the Performed Action and was considered advanced training.  Here is more information on the second workshop:

    Date: July 19th - July 23rd
    Location:  Yukon Arts Centre Studio Theatre
    Total in-studio hours: 18
    Number of participants: 6
    Age range of participants: 24 - 30

Upon request, we offered subsidized rates for those in financial need. 

The participants of the workshops had a wide range of skill levels, therefore the training affected each of them differently. We asked that participants have previous theatre experience, but we made sure to not exclude anyone with a keen interest.

Participants who had less experience in theatre thought the workshops were interesting and very different from what they were used to.

I loved that Ker offered a type of training that I have never tried before.  Physical Theatre does not exist in the north so I am appreciative that I could learn new techniques.”

The more professional level participants, who took both workshops, found some great insight into creation using Physical Theatre. A post mortem was held on the final day and participants remarked how they benefited from getting to see Ker Wells’ creative process. It was also noted how this work could be directly applied to the creation of a new play. There was also benefit in the training as an actor. Participants learned about creative impulses and how to access them. Ker Wells’ training made impulses seem tangible and, if not understood, more accessible.

“Physical Theatre is a new concept to me and as yet, I have not grasped it’s essence; however, I have no doubt that it would be a valuable tool for me to add a richer element to the development of characters in the future.”

These workshops also had an impact on the trainer, Ker Wells. He thoroughly enjoyed his time in our city and even took part in a public reading of Catherine Frid’s Homegrown. He has committed to returning this winter for Nakai Theatre’s Pivot festival. There were also informal discussions about further partnerships and opportunities in the north. We believe that having this calibre of talent interested in working in Yukon is an exciting development for the theatre industry.

“It was immediately apparent that Ker Wells brings a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to the workshop.  I highly respected the quality of the responses he provided to any participants questions as well as his instinctive awareness of what is needed to overcome any blocks that a participant is struggling with.”

Victoria Play Development Workshop

In October 2012, Open Pit hired ​twelve physical theatre performers from across Canada to participate in a one week workshop in Victoria, BC.   The performers, under the direction of Sam Bergmann-Good and Jessica Hickman workshopped material from Open Pit's current show in development Nowhere Near. 

At the end of the week, Open Pit joined forces with local filmmaker Michael Worth to document the material.   Take a look below.​

A Message From Our Logo Designer

An open letter on logo redesign

Open Pit Profile Image - Logo and logotype with tag.png

Since the beginning of the project, the energy and enthusiasm from the Open Pit members has been phenomenal. The passion and dedication to the organization and the work they do provided great inspiration and drive to find something that better represented the art and community that is Open Pit. The way Open Pit fosters creative growth and collaboration is a key aspect of who they are and it was very important to show that where design was concerned. After our first meeting I was thankful to be able to work together on the redesign and it became a true showcase for what the Open Pit collective is really about.

With regard to the new logotype, I hope everyone enjoys the new direction, which is not intended to been cold or corporate but fresh and invigorating; a strong symbol of what Open Pit is for its audiences and community. I hope that it inspires people to join in and be involved with a circle of people who want to build brand new experiences both inside and outside of the theatre.

Working with Open Pit has been a great experience. I hope to see the Open Pit community grow and continue to create great things for audiences and participants in the Yukon and elsewhere. I am also glad to be a part of that community and share in the enjoyment that Open Pit brings to everyone.

William Workman


New Site / New Work

Hi guys!​

​We have a new Web site design to go with our beautiful new logo! William Workman created the logo and Sam built this new design around it. We think it embodies the Open Pit that we are.

Let us know what you think! Here, or on Facebook!​

Yeah! We are also in Victoria this week working on physical material for Nowhere Near. Stay tuned for more of that business, but right now, enjoy the new site. Check out our photos. The one at the top of this page will change many a time, so keep coming back to see new things!​





Getting back at er

We are back in the creating zone this week!

Jessica and I are working on Draft #2 of Nowhere Near with dramaturgical assitance from the Canada famous Don Kugler. He is a lot nicer than I expected. Bonus.

Jess couldn't make it up for this session, so we are gathering online to do some serious typing. The play has shifted quite considerably in focus from what was presented last summer. We want to focus more on the characters and less on the survival.

For me, the people are what is interesting in a play. The situation is just there to reveal something about the people. It is with this notion that we are moving forward. There is still a bus crash, but maybe the whole play takes place during that crash. Maybe we enter limbo and get to examine the people in the crash. Maybe they are connected not a in a literal sense but internally: their drives and motivations. Who know? Right now we are just typing away and seeing what might happen. What connections occur.

I really want to return to this idea of 'openness' in our process. We've been struggling to find funding this year and our public "outreach" has suffered. I haven't been posting because there was nothign to post about. Well thats not true; I just didn't have the motivation to post. So, in the spirit of openness, here is something I just wrote for a character in Nowhere Near. It may or may not be used, but I thought it would be nice to share anyways:


 Buy 4 cans of deodorant and a model rocket kit. You can find them in hobby shops. The rocket kit; the deodorant you can find anywhere. The only thing you need in the rocket kit is the gunpowder case and sparker. Throw the rest away, unless you want to make a rocket someday. So you’re going to take all the tops off the deodorant and duct tape them together. Oh, you need to buy a fuse and a rag. Or just use an old shirt. Tie the fuse to the rag and then put the fuse, gunpowder case and sparker together. You really want to get it in there. With a screwdriver, or something, stab a hole into one of the deodorants and then stuff the rag in there.

So it’s aerosol deodorant, not the stick?

Aerosol? Not the stick no.

Now all you have to do is ignite the gunpowder to start the fuse to. That will blow up the dynamite. The deodorant. Peeewwwwwwwwww Kaboom.
Alright. I feel vulnerable now. Sharing like that. It's a good thing. Take care.

AGM! / Homegrown Theatre Festival

The Open Pit Performance League (official title) held its' first AGM last Thursday. It was an exciting step for our new theatre company. We have a great group of young, energetic directors and you can find out who they are on our Society Page. I think it's going to be a good year.

Open Pit has a show in Nakai Theatre's Homegrown Theatre Festival in Whitehorse. Homegrown is a fringe-like festival for local artists and I'm very happy to be a part of such a diverse display of performing arts.

One Act; 1 Hour

In One Act; 1 Hour 5 playwrights from all over Canada will get together online to collaboratively write a new play. Each night there will be a different group of writers and they will be collaborating in different ways. Some of the writers have chosen to write individual scenes and tie them altogether. Others, are writing line by line with each of them taking on a specific character. For each presentation they will be asking the audience 5 questions from which they will base their play. They only have 30 minutes for the actual writing to take place. Talk about an exercise in fast typing! After the play is completed, three intrepid local actors will take the brand new script and perform it. They only have 30 minutes for the performance, so it will be fast, furious and fun. This is a brand new experiment in collaboration. It combines aspects of improv and 24 hour writing competitions. I'm really looking forward to what ends up coming out of these writing nights.

All of this would be impossible without equipment. Open Pit is so happy to have the local Mac gurus at Meadia Solutions provide the equipment for One Act; 1 Hour. Everytime I go to Meadia Solutions I end up walking out with something. Today, it was a new iPhone case and a Zagg keyboard for my iPad. I'm typing on it right now and it is so much easier than tapping to the screen. If your in the market for a new Mac, or just have questions about one you own, Meadia Solutions is the place to go in Whitehorse. They are also very friendly. Check them out online at: or visit them at 20 Hanson st. Thank you Meadia Solutions for supporting the local art scene in Whitehorse.

One Act; 1 Hour

Wednesday, May 9 @ 7:0pm

Friday, May 11 @ 7:00pm

Saturday, May 12 @ 7:35pm

A new show everytime! For schedule information and to buy tickets visit:

One Act; 1 Hour

Open Pit
is seeking emerging playwrights for a new production: One Act; 1 Hour.

In One Act; 1 Hour, five playwrights from across Canada will gather online via Google Docs to write a one act play in 30 minutes. Each playwright is allowed to ask the audience one question which will be used to form the story of the play. The result of their work will then be performed by three actors. One Act; 1 Hour will be shown during Nakai Theatre’s Homegrown Theatre Festival from May 8 - 13.

Open Pit is looking for emerging playwrights from across Canada that would be interested in the challenge of writing a collaborative play in only thirty minutes. Your commitment would include:

  • 30 minutes of writing one evening between May 8 - 13 (schedule to be determined).
  • Collaborating with four other playwrights to create a one act play.
  • Possible Skype interviews during this time.

If you are interested please contact Sam Bergmann-Good as soon as possible at: sam@openp.it

Open Pit is a new performing arts organisation based in Whitehorse, Yukon. Our aim is to create new works of theatre using non-traditional methods. Last summer, Open Pit received funding from the Federal and Territorial governments to complete the first phase of development on a new play entitled Nowhere Near. More information can be found at Open Pit’s website: http://openp.it

Homegrown Theatre Festival is a fringe style festival held once every two years in Whitehorse, Yukon. It is organised by Nakai Theatre and provides an opportunity for professional and community theatre artists to exhibit new and developing works. More information on Homegrown can be found at Nakai’s website: http://nakaitheatre.com


What's going on?



One chapter of the year comes to a close as the dead of winter hits us once again. The holidays represent a brief journey to the surface to gasp for air before I dive under again. This is an exciting time of learning and growth for both myself and Open Pit. Jessica and I are hard at work to ensure we can carry out our plans for next summer.

Last year, we had two major projects. First, the Devised Yukon Project: Phase 1 which resulted in the shows Nowhere Near. Second, we partnered with Nakai Theatre to bring Ker Wells to the Yukon for professional development.

Next year, we are planning three projects. Two new-works development and one training initiative. These are all just in the planning stages, so things may change as the project vision's become distilled. The projects are:

  • Devised Yukon Project: Phase 2 (Nowhere Near)

In the second stage of development for Nowhere Near, we plan on investigating dramaturgy for a play created collectively. We will examine the play on both the textual and physical layers. A somewhat final draft will appear out of these explorations.

  • The Cordelia Project

The Cordelia Project examines the role of Cordelia in Shakespeare's King Lear. The challenge of this project is being respectful of the source material and its' language while also pushing the boundaries of that language to crack open Cordelia's secrets. The Cordelia Project is another opportunity for us to explore different creation processes.

  • Creation Workshop

We are hoping to bring up another professional artist and educator for a workshop centered around creation. Where do good ideas come from? What is the process of going from an idea to a creation? This is workshop is designed for artists of all kinds and will involve working through the process, not just talking about it. I'm very excited about this one.

Again, these projects may shift and change as we get closer to May. I will do my best to keep this updated as details develop. We will have to see how intesive my new year looks.

All the best,


Sam Bergmann–Good