Open Pit Theatre is developing a brand-new show called Look Up/Vers le haut!
Look Up/Vers le haut is a bilingual series of short performances for audiences who are laying horizontal. It combines live storytelling with visual animation that is projected on the ceiling, and is accompanied by a foley soundscape that is created using everyday objects.
The seed for the show Look Up was planted when Genevieve saw a drawing on the ceiling above her hospital bed in 2017. That simple drawing of a sunset accompanied by the words “This will not last forever” resonated with her in a profound way. Years later, she approached visual artist and dear friend Virginie Hamel to finally start tackling the creative concept that had inhabited her ever since: “Let’s make a show for audiences lying on their backs”.
Genevieve Doyon - Original idea/Creator/Playwright/Performer
Virginie Hamel - Visual Designer (House down the Street, Dear Grandma, Places I Go)
Jessica Hickman - Visual Designer (The North Call)
Alita Powell - Performer
Hannah Mazurek - Sound Designer
Selene Vakharia - Set Designer
Brian Fidler - Creative Collaborator
Emily Farrel - Stage Manager/Production Manager/Creative Collaborator
Open Pit Theatre has hosted all ages performances of Look Up/Vers le haut and is visiting Whitehorse daycares with the performances specifically developped for little ones.