Open Pit Theatre is developing a brand-new show called Look Up/Vers le haut!

Look Up/Vers le haut is a bilingual series of short performances for audiences who are laying horizontal. It combines live storytelling with visual animation that is projected on the ceiling, and is accompanied by a foley soundscape that is created using everyday objects.

Photo by Erik Pinkerton

Photo by Erik Pinkerton

The seed for the show Look Up was planted when Genevieve saw a drawing on the ceiling above her hospital bed in 2017. That simple drawing of a sunset accompanied by the words “This will not last forever” resonated with her in a profound way. Years later, she approached visual artist and dear friend Virginie Hamel to finally start tackling the creative concept that had inhabited her ever since: “Let’s make a show for audiences lying on their backs”.


Genevieve Doyon - Original idea/Creator/Playwright/Performer

Virginie Hamel - Visual Designer (House down the Street, Dear Grandma, Places I Go)

Jessica Hickman - Visual Designer (The North Call)

Alita Powell - Performer

Hannah Mazurek - Sound Designer

Selene Vakharia - Set Designer

Brian Fidler - Creative Collaborator

Emily Farrel - Stage Manager/Production Manager/Creative Collaborator

Open Pit Theatre has hosted all ages performances of Look Up/Vers le haut and is visiting Whitehorse daycares with the performances specifically developped for little ones.

Photo by Erik Pinkerton

Thank you to our funders and sponsors who have supported the development of Look Up!